UDI – Los Angeles, CA March 6, 2016
Nancy Reagan’s last words before her death were “Anyone but Trump.” This according to top aids of the former First Lady, as she lay on her death bed in Bel-Air, California today. According to Joanne Drake, a spokeswoman with the Reagan Library, Mrs. Reagan was following politics on t.v. up until the end and was upset by the prospect that Donald Trump might become the Republican nominee for President. In the moments before her death, according to Ms. Drake, Mrs. Reagan struggled to speak, but it was apparent she had something important to say. Mrs. Reagan had previously told close friends and family, according to reports, that it would be a betrayal of Ronald Reagan’s legacy for a man of Donald Trump’s character to represent the Republican Party in the November election. Reagan Administrative Aid, Frank Lee, also present at Mrs. Reagan’s death, confirmed that her final words were, “Anyone but Trump!”
On hearing the report, Donald Trump tweeted the following response:
“Nancy Reagan is a very old woman. You can tell by how horrible she looks. She looks like death. She should butt out. She never did anything. She better watch out. She’ll pay the price for this. Believe me.”
Conservative commentator William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, responded to the Trump tweet with disgust, releasing the following statement: “Donald Trump is a douchebag. He has no respect for the dead, or for anyone else for that matter. He apparently believes he can retaliate against his critics even after they’re dead. How stupid is that?” Kristol worked in the Reagan administration in the 1980’s.
Trump responded to Kristol’s critique with the following: “Who the hell is Bill Kristol? I’m much richer than he is. He looks like a dork. He’s the stupid one, not me.” Mr. Kristol graduated magna cum laude from Harvard in 1973.
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